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Important Items 

 About the Course

This is a Hoikushi Examination PREPARATION Course. We assist for your success in Hoikushi Examination, but there is no guarantee that you will surely pass the Hoikushi Examination. 
In our Hoikushi Examination Prep Course, teachers and staffs mainly use Japanese. Teachers use English as bypass language to assist your understanding. However, most of the time teachers use Japanese.  
Handle of Your Personal Information 
Mega Bluebird and our coordinator Organization of Bilingual Parenting (OBP) protects the information that you provide to us when you make application, when you attend our course. We are committed to secure all of your information and keep it confidential. We always prevent data theft, unauthorized access, and disclosure, and will not lease, sell or distribute your personal information to any third parties, unless we have your permission. However, we might do if the law forces us. 
Change of the Contents of Hoikushi Examination
Mega Bluebird Hoikushi Prep Course always try to update the contents of our course. However, according to the institution of new laws or reforming laws, the contents of actual Hoikushi Examination may be changed every time. In the 2020 March course, we are going to use the textbooks and other learning materials based on 2019 Hoikushi Examination. (There was a big revise in the subject of Guidelines of Daycare Facilities in 2019). We don’t take any responsibility if there are differences in our textbooks and actual Hoikushi Examination because of these situations. 
Hoikushi Examination Prep Course adheres Japanese domestic laws as of November 1st 2019.
If there is a revision or repeal of laws and regulations in the future, we will follow the current ones. 
The contents of our Hoikushi Examination Prep Course is based on the information which is published in the home page of General incorporated association Zenkoku Hoikushi Yousei Kyogikai. Even if there is a revise in their actual examination or their schedule of Hoikushi Examination during our course, we don’t have responsibility to change our contents within the year. 
We prohibit your recording of the course.
Our original textbooks and other learning materials are used by only individuals who study for Hoikushi Examination. You are prohibited to share the book with the third person, give a lecture to the third person by using our textbooks, have a course by using our textbooks, or transfer, hand over, copy, resell.

"Learn with Us"